
Katie Bachand

A Birth Doula in Seattle, WA

A birth doula, someone who helps the parents during childbirth which is not to be confused with a midwife, is not usually a techie. Katie Bachand had created her website on her own but wanted something more professional and information-driven. She also needed a place to include information about her secondary business, henna application for birth baby showers, and non-baby related parties activities.

We went with a soothing lavender, pink and blue together, to emphasize the calming nature a doula can have during a stressful event. We included a FAQ for people to find out what a doula is and isn’t and a resource page for new and soon-to-be new parents. For the henna page, we changed the color scheme to reflect the difference in the subject and to represent the color of new henna stains. Both the henna and doula areas are connected to their own forms for targeted emails.

Services: Web Design

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